
CorreLog v5.1榮獲 SC Magazine的好評價

2012 / 08 / 21
CorreLog v5.1榮獲 SC Magazine的好評價

The CorreLog Server is a web-based solution that leverages browser technology to present an easy-to-use , multi-platform interface that stresses point-and-click simplicity for the harried network administrator. Designed fromthe outset as a product that supports regulatory compliance objectives, as well as security posturing, CorreLog Server is chock full of features and reporting capabilities.

The product can be installed under two distinct scenarios, where it operates as either as a "Small Business Server" or as an "Enterprise Server." The "Small Business Server" configuration was chosen for testing because it features the capabilities of the Enterprise Server, but without the high-end hardware and processing requirements associated with the Enterprise Server implementation.

That said, the Small Business Server configuration proves to work fine under virtualized environment, using a virtual PC as a host.

Integration and setup aside, the real meat and potatoes of CorreLog Server is the information it can provide to a network manager - which is key when it comes to a security information and event management product. Here, CorreLog Server offers several reporting capabilities and, interestingly, integration into Microsoft Excel, which gives analysts some flexibility when analyzing specific events.

In short, CorreLog server offers a lot of bang for the buck and proves easy to install and use. Excellent documentation and very good support highlight some of the advantages offered by the product , while reporting flexibility paired with Excel integration make it a valuable ally for the harried compliance officer.

◎ CorreLog 的成效
進行類似 Google 的搜尋方式,產生快速,準確的查詢,而不用依賴任何資料庫。
-IT 搜尋
-提供DB monitor功能
可收集存放在資料庫上的資料表日誌,將該日誌收集到Log server中。
-IBM 大型主機代理程式
能收集發生在 IBM 大型主機和資安軟體 RACF、CA-ACF2、CA=Top Secret 的日誌事件。
